ChicagoLand GA
CIG Business Items
Phone Service Hotline Information
Download this form to volunteer to take calls on the the
Chicagoland GA phone service:
New Phone Service Volunteer Application Form
Contact Janice N or Peggy S at:
Gamblers Anonymous Area 8 Trustees
Visit the GA Trustee Website here
Click HERE to see the Gamblers Anonymous Board of Trustees
Rolling Agenda for the next National Trustee Meeting
Please Review the agenda items and give your feedback to any of the trustees.
Let a Trustee know when a member passes away during the year. GA members who have passed are recognized at every national trustee meeting, and entered into the minutes of the meeting.
All 4 of the Area 8 Trustees are voting for these items. Only 2 trustees will have their expenses paid by Chicagoland Intergroup to physically attend each semi-annual national Trustee meeting.
Please contact a trustee if you have any questions or suggestions for the GA fellowship
Area 8
7/1/22 - 6/30/24
Mary D -
Donna -
Dianna -
Cindi M -
Chicagoland GA Supplies Order Process
All rooms are to be self supporting for all supplies.
Anniversary Pins are paid for by Intergroup if announced and approved through the Pinning Chairperson, but the meeting room still must order them for the pinnee!
All orders require a completed GA Supply Order Form
Order forms can be brought to intergroup or emailed to
Orders placed two weeks before intergroup will be filled at Intergroup
Orders can be filled immediately at Intergroup - inventory is available to a limited number of items, some items may have to be ordered.
Payment should be made to the Treasurer no later than the Intergroup meeting at which you are receiving your supplies. Make checks payable to "Chicagoland Intergroup" and identify the amount for supplies in the memo section.
Download the PDF Order Form HERE
Download the PDF form, fill out, then email to: